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PRESS RELEASE - TCINIB New Legislative Amendments

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Turks & Caicos Islands National Insurance Board
Contribution and Benefit Regulations Legislative Amendments


To: All Media
The main purpose of the Turks and Caicos Islands National Insurance Programme is to provide relevant social insurance protection through a wide range of benefits to the peoples of these islands, primarily our contributors and their dependents. To fulfil our mission, decision makers
must seek to ensure the Fund remains viable into perpetuity.


Section 45(1) of the National Insurance Ordinance provides for the National Insurance Fund to be actuarially assessed every 3 years. As part of the review, the income and expenditure levels of the National Insurance Board are examined, including the current benefit and contribution rate
structures; all towards safeguarding the future viability of the Fund.


Having conducted its 9th Actuarial Review in July 2019, among the main findings and recommendations, the Report observed that the Turks and Caicos Islands National Insurance Board’s current contribution rates have remained unchanged from inception in April 1992
(second lowest in the region). At the same time, there were numerous increases across all branches of benefits over the 3 decades.


1. Contribution Rate Increase
The report indicated that based on the current design, structure, and parameters, the TCINIB is projected to be financially sustainable for the medium to long term and is forecast to have sufficient reserves to support the current estimated expenditure for another 27 years.
Contribution Income is projected to cover all expenses until the year 2027, based on the current benefit provisions and current contribution rate of 8.0%.

After 2027, the NIS will have to use some of its investment income, in addition to its contribution income to cover the projected expenses. This will slow the rate of the growth of the reserves.

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